Types of cancer services


Cancer is one of the main causes of death in Ireland. If you have any concerns regarding cancer or have a family history of cancer or have symptoms that you are worried about, you should contact your family doctor (GP).

Cancer care services are provided by your GP, hospitals and community care services.

There are also palliative care services, which are services for a patient and their family if there is no medical expectation of a cure.

National Cancer Screening Service

The National Cancer Screening Service is part of the NCCP. Screening means checking your body for cancer before you have symptoms.

The National Cancer Screening Service provides the following cancer screening programmes:

From 26 September 2024, you must be informed before or at the time of the cancer screening that you have a right to request a review of your completed screening. You also have the right to be told the outcome of this review.

This is known as a Part 5 review and is part of the HSE open disclosure policy. Read more about open disclosure and patient safety on the HSE website.

HSE National Cancer Control Programme(NCCP)

Cancer patients have better outcomes when their initial diagnosis, treatment plan, surgery and radiotherapy are carried out by multidisciplinary teams. A multidisciplinary team is a group of doctors and other health professionals with expertise in a specific cancer. They manage and plan the cancer treatment that is best for each patient.

The National Cancer Control Programme (NCCP) manages, organises and delivers Ireland’s cancer programme for the Health Service Executive (HSE). There are nine cancer centres across the country, split into seven hospital groups. Most of the initial diagnosis and surgery takes place in these cancer centres. Chemotherapy and follow-up care will be delivered closer to the patient's home, according to care plans set at the cancer centres. There are also Rapid Access Clinics in eight cancer centres.

Rapid Access Clinics are for:

You may be referred to one of these by your GP or other medical professional.

Cancer centres
Hospital Group Centres
Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland

Beaumont Hospital

Ireland East Mater University Hospital

St Vincent's University Hospital

Dublin Midlands

St James's Hospital


Cork University Hospital

University Hospital Waterford

Saolta University

University Hospital Galway

Letterkenny General Hospital


University Limerick University Hospital Limerick
Children’s Health Ireland Our Lady's Children's Hospital Crumlin


Child cancer patients

In the case of children receiving treatment for cancer, tax relief may be claimed on certain health expenses.

These can include:

  • Telephone
  • Overnight accommodation
  • Travel
  • Hygiene products
  • Special clothing

Read more about taxation of medical expenses in Ireland here.

Travel2Care scheme

The NCCP funds a travel scheme to help some patients pay to travel to cancer tests and treatment. It is administered by the Irish Cancer Society. You must meet certain criteria to be eligible for the scheme. More information is available on the Irish Cancer Society website.

Travel2Care Form A for cancer tests

If you are having cancer tests, you can apply by downloading and completing Travel2Care Application Form A: Travel Expenses for Cancer Tests (pdf). You can ask to have a form sent to you by contacting: Travel2Care, Irish Cancer Society, Tel: (01) 231 6643 or (01) 231 0522; email: travel@irishcancer.ie.

Travel2Care Form B for ongoing treatment

If you are having ongoing treatment (chemotherapy, radiotherapy or palliative care), you must speak to a medical social worker, cancer nurse or other healthcare professional who can complete the Travel2Care Application Form B on their behalf. This is an application for a once-off payment for the expected treatment plan.

Volunteer Driver Service

The Irish Cancer Society runs a Volunteer Driver Service that provides transport for cancer patients to and from their chemotherapy appointments. The service is free to the patient and the hospital. View the list of hospitals participating in the Volunteer Driver Service.

To be referred to the service, talk to your hospital social worker or chemotherapy nurse. They will discuss the service with you and whether it is suitable for your needs. For more information, call the Irish Cancer Society on (01) 231 0522 or (01) 231 0566.

Further information

The Irish Cancer Society is a voluntary organisation that provides support and help to cancer patients and their families. It provides some nursing services and funds some palliative care and night nursing services. It has local branches in most parts of the country.

Irish Cancer Society

43-45 Northumberland Road
Dublin 4

Tel: (01) 2310 500
Locall: Freephone Cancer Nurseline 1800 200 700
Fax: (01) 2310 555

CanTeen is a support group for young people aged 12–25 who have or who have had cancer. Cancer Helpline Freefone 1800 200 700. E-mail: info@canteen.ie

National Cancer Registry

Building 6800
Cork Airport Business Park
Kinsale Road

Tel: (021) 431 8014
Fax: (021) 431 8016

The National Cancer Registry collects and analyses data information on all cancer cases in Ireland.

Page edited: 26 September 2024