Checklist: entitlements for older people

Checklist: entitlements for older people

The lists and links below are to help you to check out all the main services and entitlements for older people.

The headings in the left hand column of each section link to general documents on the subject, and those in the right hand column link to details of specific payments or services.

Income supports


Income supports for older people

Working in retirement

Social insurance payments

State Pension (Contributory)

Means-tested payments

State Pension (Non Contributory)

See also: Habitual residence

Widows and widowers

Widow's, Widower's or Surviving Civil Partner's (Contributory) Pension

Widow's, Widower's or Surviving Civil Partner’s (Non-Contributory) Pension

Widowed or Surviving Civil Partner Grant


Carer’s Benefit

Carer’s Allowance

Carer's Support Grant





Rent Supplement

Housing Assistance Payment (HAP)

Rental Accommodation Scheme

Local authority housing

Housing associations

Housing grants and supports

Mobility Aids Grant Scheme

Housing Aid for Older People Scheme

Housing Adaptation Grant for People with a Disability

Better Energy Warmer Homes Scheme

Better Energy Homes Scheme



Medical card

GP visit card

Long-Term Illness Scheme

Drugs Payment Scheme

Hospital charges

Nursing Homes Support Scheme

Community care

Public health nursing

Chiropody, hearing and dental services

Home Support Service


Credits and allowances

Older people's tax credits and reliefs

Blind Person's Tax Credit

Dependent Relative Tax Credit

Deeds of Covenant

Tax exemption and marginal relief



Rent relief (applies only to tenancies from before 8 December 2010)

Renting out a room in your own house

Illness and medical expenses

Medical expenses

Employing a carer

Tax relief on nursing home fees



Making a will

Legal arrangements for incapacity

Power of Attorney

Advance care directives

Private pensions

Retiring from work

Occupational pensions

Personal pensions

Personal Retirement Savings Accounts (PRSAs)

Extra benefits

Extra social welfare benefits

Free travel

Household Benefits Package

Fuel Allowance

Living Alone Increase

Island Increase

Heating Supplements

Exceptional and Urgent Needs Payment

Other issues


Elder abuse

Other sources of information

Voluntary agencies

Sage support and advocacy

Senior Helpline

Page edited: 13 January 2021