Checklist: Unemployed people


If you are unemployed or are about to lose your job you can use these lists and links to check out the main services and entitlements for your situation.

The headings in the left hand column of each section link to general documents on the subject, and those in the right hand column link to details of specific payments or services.

Becoming unemployed

Getting a social welfare payment

Jobseeker's Benefit

Jobseeker's Allowance

Claiming for an adult dependant

Claiming for a child dependant

Signing on for the first time

Supplementary Welfare Allowance Scheme

Getting an interim payment

Additional Needs Payments

PRSI and tax

Tax refund during unemployment

Signing on for credits

Tax on social welfare payments


Rent Supplement

Housing Assistance Payment

Mortgage Interest Supplement

Local authority housing

Leaving work - your rights and entitlements

Employment law

Losing your job - entitlements


Employment Detail Summary (P45/P60)

Reduced hours or pay




Being asked to reduce your hours at work

Lay off and short time working

Jobseeker's Benefit and work

Jobseeker's Allowance and work

Going back to education or training


Back to Education Programme

Back to Education Allowance

Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme

Funding for education and training

Back to Education Programme

Further Education and Training courses

Post Leaving Certificate courses


Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme


Going back to work


Back to Work Enterprise Allowance

Short-term Enterprise Allowance

Part-Time Job Incentive Scheme

Community Employment

Rural Social Scheme


Returning to work

Signing off when starting work

Part-time work

Self employment

Working Family Payment (for families on low pay)

Long-term unemployment

Social welfare payments

Jobseeker's Allowance

Habitual residence condition

Appealing a decision

Health services


Medical card

GP Visit card

Extra benefits


Free travel

Household Benefits Package

Fuel Allowance

Diet and Heating Supplements

Exceptional and Urgent Needs Payment

Back to School Clothing and Footwear Allowance

Dealing with debt


Money Advice and Budgeting Service (MABS)

Working abroad


Voluntary work abroad and social insurance


Working within the EU


Working outside the EU

Page edited: 7 June 2022