Checklist: parenting alone


If you are parenting alone, you can use the lists and links below to find details of your entitlements and the main services available.

Income supports


General information Specific social welfare payments

Getting a social welfare payment


Social welfare payments for children and families

One Parent Family payment

Jobseeker's Transitional payment

Back to Work Family Dividend

Claiming an extra half-rate social welfare payment

Working Family Payment

Claiming for a child dependent

Signing on for the first time


Benefits and entitlements relating to pregnancy, birth and children

Pregnancy and social welfare payments

Health and Safety Benefit

Antenatal visits and appointments

Antenatal classes

Maternity leave

Maternity Benefit

Adoptive leave

Adoptive Benefit

Parent's leave

Parent's Benefit

Parental leave

Child Benefit

Supplementary Welfare Allowance Scheme

Getting an interim payment

Exceptional Needs and Urgent Needs Payments

Income supports for widows and widowers

Widow's, Widower's or Surviving Civil Partner's (Contributory) Pension

Widow's, Widower's or Surviving Civil Partner’s (Non-Contributory) Pension

Widowed or Surviving Civil Partner Grant

Housing-related supports

Rent Supplement

Rental Accommodation Scheme

Housing Assistance Payment (HAP)

Local authority housing

Health-related entitlements

Medical card

GP visit card

GP visit cards for children under 6


Legal information


General information Specific information on aspects of family law

Breakdown of a relationship

Legal options following marital breakdown

Getting a divorce in Ireland

Judicial separation

Separation agreements

Family mediation for separating couples

Factors considered by a court in a separation/divorce/dissolution

Separation and divorce: children

Maintenance orders and agreements

Guardianship status of fathers

Presumption of paternity

Safety orders, protection orders and barring orders

Civil Legal Advice and Legal Aid

International child abduction

Cohabiting people (people who live together in a committed relationship, but who are not married or in a civil partnership)

Legal guardianship and cohabiting couples

Access to children and cohabiting couples

Custody of children and cohabiting couples

Property law

Property rights of cohabiting couples

Property rights and the breakdown of a relationship

Family and shared homes


Tax relief


General information Specific information about taxation

Introduction to income tax credits and reliefs

Single Person Child Carer Credit

Incapacitated Child Tax Credit

One-parent family tax credits and reliefs

Separation and divorce and income tax credits and reliefs

Maintenance and tax

Rent Tax Credit


Childcare and education supports

General information Specific information about childcare and education

Supports for children


Help with childcare costs

Parents and education

Financial help with going to school

National Childcare Scheme

Going back to education and training

Back to Education Programme

Back to Education Allowance

Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme

Social welfare payments and the student grant


Going back to work

General information Specific information about employment supports and returning to work

Employment schemes

Back to Work Enterprise Allowance

Short-term Enterprise Allowance

Community Employment

Rural Social Scheme



Work Placement Programme

Returning to work

Part-time work

Self employment

Other supports for people parenting alone


General information Specific information about extra social welfare benefits

Extra social welfare benefits

Free travel Household Benefits Package

Fuel Allowance

Diet and Heating Supplements

Exceptional and Urgent Needs Payment

Back to School Clothing and Footwear Allowance

Other sources of information


State agencies

Money Advice and Budgeting Service (MABS)

Tusla, the Child and Family Agency

Family Mediation Service

Legal Aid Board

Free Legal Advice Centres (FLAC)

Voluntary agencies


One Family


Page edited: 21 January 2022