
What is Europass?

Europass is an online platform that can help you find information about work and learning opportunities in the EU. You can also use it to make your skills and qualifications clearly understood by employers and educators in other EU countries.

Europass brings together a number of documents that both learners and workers in the EU may need.

The documents include:

These documents are helpful when you move between EU countries to work or study. It can make it easier for employers to understand your qualifications from another EU State.

You can also use Europass to search for qualifications, courses and learning opportunities in other EU countries.

My Europass profile

A Europass profile is a personal record of your skills and qualifications. You can record your work, education, training, language skills and achievements. You can use the information in your Europass profile to create CVs for jobs or courses that you may be applying for.

To start using Europass, you can complete your profile online.

The Europass platform allows you to keep digitally-signed credentials. These are statements by a learning organisation documenting your learning. These include diplomas, transcript records and other certificates.

Is there a fee for Europass?

You can access the Europass platform for free. There is no charge to set up your Europass profile and store documents.

There is no funding available under the Europass programme towards the costs of training abroad. However, EU funding is available for mobility programmes through Erasmus +.

More information

For more information about Europass, contact the National Europass Centre. Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) is the designated National Europass Centre in Ireland.

National Europass Centre

Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI)

26-27 Denzille Lane
Dublin 2

Tel: (01) 905 8100
Page edited: 29 August 2024