Information about the established Leaving Certificate programme in 2024.
In 2021, Leaving Certificate students had the choice to sit the written examination or get an accredited grade from the State Examination Commission (SEC).
Students taking the State Leaving Certificate examinations must pay examination fees. Information on fees and exemptions from them.
The Leaving Certificate Applied is a two-year, self-contained programme aimed at recognising the talents of all students and providing opportunities to prepare for working and adult life.
The Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP) is a senior cycle programme designed to give a strong vocational focus to the established Leaving Certificate.
The Junior Certificate was replaced by the Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement (JCPA). The written exam is held at the end of the three-year Junior Cycle in second-level schools.
Special arrangements are in place for children with disabilities who are taking State examinations
Describes the procedures to follow if you wish to appeal the results of your Leaving Certificate examinations.
Describes the work of the State Examinations Commission.