Landfill sites

What is a landfill site?

A landfill site is a place where general rubbish is disposed of when it is not recycled or composted. Landfill sites are designed to protect the environment by storing the waste material separate from the surrounding soil, groundwater and air. However, this waste does not break down or decompose.

Before you send anything to landfill you should consider all other waste disposal options, such as reducing, re-using and recycling.

Landfill sites have more protection for the environment and for local people than traditional ‘dumps’. The site is managed carefully to control problems such as smell, litter or vermin.

Read more about the role the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has with waste.

What can I dispose of at a landfill site?

Landfill sites usually accept most household rubbish but you should contact your local landfill site to ask if it will accept your items. Your local authority will have details of landfill sites in your area.

What are the fees for using a landfill site?

When you send waste to a landfill, there are charges of:

  • A government levy of €85 per tonne
  • A gate fee is charged by the owner – check prices with the local authority or private company that runs the site

From 1 September 2023, the waste recovery levy is €10 per tonne (or 1,000kg) when using a landfill site. The existing government levy has also increased by €10, to €85 per tonne. Check with your waste company to see if there is an increase in the cost of collecting your bins.

Waste licences

A waste licence sets out what types of waste a site can take and how it must be monitored. The EPA can stop a landfill site from taking certain kinds of waste if the waste licence application does not show how environmental pollution will be prevented.

You can find submitted applications for landfill sites and waste licences on the EPA website.

You can read about the process of getting a waste licence, how to apply for a waste licence, and guidelines for licence applications on the EPA website.

Making a submission about a licence application

After the EPA gets a licence application, anyone can submit comments or observations about it for free. You must submit your comments before the EPA decides on whether to grant the licence. Find out how to make a submission on the EPA website.

Objecting to a waste licence

After the EPA gives notice of its proposed decision on a licence application, anyone can make an objection to it online or in writing. You must make your objection within 30 days and pay a fee (see the table below). You can ask for an oral hearing of your objection to a waste licence decision. Visit the EPA website for information on how to object to a waste licence.

How much does objecting to a waste licence cost?

Cost of objecting to a waste licence
Third-party objection €200
Oral hearing €100

More information

Read more about the role the Environmental Protection Agency has with waste. You can also read about the role of the Office of Environmental Enforcement (OEE).

Environmental Protection Agency

PO Box 3000
Johnstown Castle Estate

Tel: (053) 916 0600
Locall: 0818 33 55 99
Fax: (053) 916 0699
Page edited: 1 September 2023