Solving problems accessing rights in other EU Member States


As a citizen of the European Union (EU) you have the right to move freely within the EU and the EEA. The EEA is the EU plus Iceland, Norway and Lichtenstein. If you are an EU citizen living in another country in the EU, you have certain rights under EU law.

SOLVIT is a free service that can help EU citizens and businesses who are facing obstacles to having their EU rights recognised by public authorities in another country in the EU.

SOLVIT works as part of the national Government of each member state, so there is a network of SOLVIT centres across the EU.

What types of problems does SOLVIT helpwith?

The free movement of people, goods, services and capital are known as the four freedoms of the EU. If a public body in an EU country interferes with free movement, the body may be in breach of EU law. For example, if a business needs a special licence to operate in another EU country, and that licence is not required by local businesses, this could be against the principal of free movement.

SOLVIT tries to resolve disputes informally where EU rights are infringed. This includes problems about:

Cases where SOLVIT cannot help

  • If you have taken your complaint to court
  • Consumer problems – you should contact the European Consumer Centre instead
  • If you are seeking compensation for damages
  • Where a business is having problems with another business

How to complain to SOLVIT

You should submit your complaint to the SOLVIT service online. You should include as much detail as possible. Your local SOLVIT Centre will contact you within 1 week. If you have a valid cause for complaint, your local SOLVIT Centre will forward it to the SOLVIT Centre in the other member state where the problem has occurred.

The two SOLVIT Centres will liaise with each other during the period of investigation and your home SOLVIT Centre will keep you informed of progress, and the proposed solution.

Outcomes of complaints

Proposed solutions through the SOLVIT service are not binding on the person making the complaint. If you are unhappy with the proposed solution, or if the problem goes unresolved, you can take legal action if you wish.

Getting information about your EUrights

If you are not sure about your EU rights, you can contact one of the following organisations:

Europe Direct provides a free telephone and e-mail service and acts as a first point of contact for information about the EU. It offers information on a wide range of subjects including the rights of EU citizens. It can also refer users to the best source of advice at EU, national, regional and local levels.

Your Europe Advice: Provides expert legal advice on the rights of citizens in the EU

There is also advice for the business community in the EU.

Enterprise Europe Network: Provides information, advice and assistance to Small Business Enterprises in the EU

The European Commission Representation in Ireland can give free legal advice on your single market rights.


Irish SOLVIT Centre

Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment
23 Kildare Street
Dublin 2
D02 TD30

Page edited: 12 August 2024