Inspector of Mental Health Services


The Inspector of Mental Health Services carries out inspections of mental health facilities.

The inspector is a consultant psychiatrist and is appointed by the Mental Health Commission as set out by the Mental Health Act 2001.

The Office of Inspector of Mental Health Services is made up of:

  • The Inspector of Mental Health Services
  • A team of assistant inspectors

The assistant inspectors are professionals from a range of backgrounds including nursing, social work, psychiatry, occupational therapy and clinical psychology.

Mental health inspector's role and powers

The Inspector's job is to :

  • Visit and inspect every approved centre at least once a year. - Approved centres are hospitals or in-patient facilities for the treatment of mental illness or disorder.
  • Review the quality and safety of mental health services every year
  • Report to the Mental Health Commission (MHC) on the quality of care and treatment given to people getting mental health services and on other aspects of the services

The Inspector has a range of powers including the ability to:

  • Enter and inspect mental health facilities
  • Obtain records, documentation and other information from staff
  • Take evidence from staff under oath relating to the inspection
  • Speak to anyone they believe may have relevant information for the inspection

The Mental Health Commission may ask the inspector to carry out an inquiry into:

You can find summaries of inspection reports on

Make a complaint about mental health services

If you have a complaint about a mental health service, you should first contact the service provider.

Each provider must have a clear complaints procedure under Article 31 of the Mental Health Act 2001 (Approved Centres) Regulations 2006.

You can find more information on making a complaint about a health service.

The Mental Health Commission does not have the power to investigate complaints. If you raise a concern with the MHC, it may direct you to the Inspector of Mental Health Services if appropriate. 

The Inspectorate logs all concerns about mental health services. These are taken into account when making inspections.

Further information

Mental Health Commission

Waterloo Exchange
Waterloo Road
Dublin 4
D04 E5W7

Tel: +353 (0)1 636 2400
Fax: +353 (0)1 636 2440
Page edited: 30 July 2024