Checklist for people with disabilities and long-term illness

Checklist for people with disabilities and long-term illness

The lists and links below are to help you to check out all the main services and entitlements for people with disabilities. The focus is on adults with a long-term illness or disability likely to last at least one year.

The headings in the left hand column of each section link to general documents on the subject, and those in the right hand column link to details of specific payments or services.

The National Advocacy Service for People with Disabilities (NAS) provides independent, confidential and free advocacy for people with disabilities - in particular people who are isolated from their community and services, have communication differences, are inappropriately accommodated, live in residential services or attend day services and have limited supports. Visit the website to find out more about the service and how to use it.

Social welfare payments

Main social welfare payments


Invalidity Pension

Disability Allowance (means-tested)

Blind Pension

Extra payments


Extra social welfare benefits





Supplementary Welfare Allowance Scheme

Free travel

Household Benefits Package

Fuel Allowance

Carer's Support Grant

Living Alone Increase


Rent Supplement

Diet and Heating Supplements

Additional Needs Payment

Back to School Clothing and Footwear Allowance

Transport and mobility

A range of supports are available

Tax relief for disabled drivers and disabled passengers

Mobility training for people with visual impairments

Disabled Person's Parking Card

Parking facilities for people with disabilities

Working while getting a disability payment


Disability payments and work

Disability payments and work

Further Education and Training (FET) courses

Community Employment

Partial Capacity Benefit (for people on Illness Benefit for at least 6 months or on Invalidity Pension only)

Rural Social Scheme

Wage Subsidy Scheme

Workplace equipment adaptation grants

Supported employment scheme

Job interview interpreter grants

Personal reader grants

Education and training

Options for people with disabilities

Back to Education Allowance

Third-level education for students with disabilities

Rehabilitation and training services for people with disabilities, sheltered workshops

Health services and community supports


Community care services

Medical card

GP Visit card

Home Support Service

Day centres and day care

Respite Care

Health services for people with disabilities

Fair Deal Scheme

Mental health services

Chiropody services

Occupational therapy services

Physiotherapy services

Public health nurses

Tax credits


Introduction to tax credits and reliefs

Tax reliefs for people with a visual impairment

Dependent Relative Tax Credit

Trust funds for permanently incapacitated people

VAT refunds on aids and appliances used by people with disabilities

Tax relief for disabled drivers and disabled passengers

Tax relief on nursing home fees and for dependent relatives

Tax relief on the costs of employing a home carer

Home Carer's Tax Credit


Adapting a home for an older or disabled person

Housing Adaptation Grant for People with a Disability

Mobility Aids Grant Scheme

Applying for local authority housing

Looking for a flat or house to rent

Rent Supplement

Rental Accommodation Scheme

Home Renovation Incentive

Housing Assistance Payment

Page edited: 23 May 2023