Worksheet for calculating Rent Supplement


There are 6 steps to calculating your Rent Supplement.

Use the page ‘Calculating Rent Supplement’ with this worksheet.

Step 1: Calculate your gross assessable weekly income from all sources.

Income source Claimant Spouse/Partner/Cohabitant
Social welfare payments (note that some payments, such as Child Benefit, are not counted or disregarded)    
Income from employment or training schemes    
Education and Training Board (ETB) training allowances    
Gross income from employment or self-employment    
Working Family Payment (was called Family Income Supplement)    
Maintenance (except child maintenance, which is not taken into account)    
Means from capital (for example, property, savings and investments)    

Other means (including occupational or foreign pensions)

Total gross assessable weekly income  

Step 2: Find out what your income in excess of the Supplementary Welfare Allowance (SWA) rate is.

To do this, you deduct the Over 65 disregard, the carer’s disregard, travel costs, PRSI and the appropriate SWA rate for your circumstances from your gross assessable income to find out what your income in excess of the SWA rate is.

Total gross assessable weekly income (final figure from Step 1 above) €.................
Subtract Over 65 disregard  
Subtract Carer’s disregard  
Subtract travel costs to work  
Subtract PRSI  
Subtract appropriate SWA rate  
Income in excess of SWA rate  

Step 3: Calculate the Additional income disregard or the Disability Allowance (DA)/Blind Pension (BP) earnings disregard.

This step does not apply if you have no additional income, or you are not working and getting DA or BP.

Additional income = (A+B) - C where


A = Gross income from:

Training or employment schemes

Full or part-time work

Working Family Payment

Maintenance over €95.23 a week (excluding child maintenance)

Total A:  

B = assessable income from other sources:

Carer’s Allowance/Benefit

Occupational pensions

Foreign pensions

All other DSP payments including pensions (total)

Income from leased farm or land

Other income

Means from capital

Subtract Carer’s disregard (to get this: subtract SWA rate (either IQA rate or single rate) from actual carer's payment)

Subtract Over 65 disregard (to get this: State Pension (Contributory) rate minus SWA rate)


Total B:

C = SWA rate for family circumstances  

Total C:

(A+B) – C = Additional Income  
Subtract PRSI, pension contributions, income continuance  
Additional Income for disregard  

If Additional Income for disregard is less than or equal to €75 this figure is the Additional income disregard.

If not, do this calculation:

Subtract €75  

25% of subtotal


Add €75 + 25% of subtotal to get Additional Income disregard

Disability Allowance and Blind Pension earnings disregard €.................
This is €165, if you are getting Disability Allowance or Blind Pension and your income from work is less than €165, use the actual figure  

Step 4: Subtract the Additional Income disregard or the Disability Allowance/Blind Pension earnings disregard (choose the most beneficial one if both could apply to you) from your income in excess of the SWA rate (figure at the end of Step 2). This figure is your contribution from means.

Subtract Additional Income disregard from income in excess of SWA rate (from Step 2) or

Subtract Disability Allowance/Blind Pension earnings disregard from income in excess of SWA rate (from Step 2)

Contribution from means (this is the figure at the end of Step 2 if you have no additional income or you are not working and getting DA or BP)  

Step 5: Find your total weekly contribution to rent by adding your contribution from means to your minimum Household Contribution.

If there are other non-dependent members of the household their contribution is included at this stage.

Contribution from means €.................
Add Minimum Household contribution (€30 for a single person and €40 for a couple)  
Add Contribution from others  
Total weekly contribution to rent  

Step 6: Find your Rent Supplement payment by subtracting your total weekly contribution to your rent from your weekly rent.

Weekly rent (monthly rent x 12 ÷ 52)  
Less your total weekly contribution to rent  
Total Rent Supplement payable  
Page edited: 5 June 2024