Speech and language therapy

What is speech and language therapy?

If you have difficulty with your communication, speech, language, fluency, or voice, you can be assessed by a speech and language therapist. They may be able to diagnose and treat you. Speech and language therapists can also help you with eating, drinking and swallowing (also called Dysphagia). Read about what a speech and language therapist does.

Speech and language therapy is available in many places, including local health centres, hospitals and schools. You can get speech and language therapy services in the public health service from the Health Service Executive (HSE). You can also get private speech and language therapy services.

Can I get speech and language therapy?


If your child needs speech and language therapy, they may be referred to your local Children's Disability Network (CDNT). Read more about how to get a referral for your child below. You can read information from the HSE on speech and language therapy for children.

You can check advice and support for parents and carers.

The HSE has a list of useful childhood disability websites and organisations.


If you have communication difficulties, you may be able to get speech and language therapy services through your Local Health Office, or voluntary organisations working on contract for the HSE. You may need speech and language therapy after a stroke, accident or a progressive neurological disorder.

How much does speech and language therapy cost?

You can get free speech and language therapy services from the public health service (HSE).

You must pay for any services you get from a private Speech and Language therapist. However, you may be able to claim tax relief on medical expenses.

How to apply for speech and language therapy

Applying through the public healthcare system (HSE)

Contact your Local Health Office for information on what services are available for you in your area.

Your family doctor (GP) can refer your child to your local Children’s Disability Network Team (CDNT). You can also make this referral yourself.

After you apply, there may be a waiting list for speech and language therapy. The demand for services in your area and the needs of you or your child will decide how long you are waiting.

Applying through the private healthcare system

If you want private speech and language therapy, you can contact the therapist directly. Check the Independent Speech-Language Therapists in Ireland (ISTI) list of member therapists in private practice.

More information

All speech and language therapists are regulated by CORU, which keeps a register of therapists.

The Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists (IASLT) is the professional association of speech and language therapists in Ireland.

You can get information on speech and language therapy from many organisations, for example, support groups for stammering, stroke or Parkinson’s disease.

Page edited: 7 July 2023